What are the best exercises for optimal active recovery?
The practice of combat sports leads to the production of intense efforts for the human body and are often carried out in anaerobic conditions, this is the case for judo, English boxing, MMA or even taekwondo. Studies have shown that after an intense sports session, practicing a low intensity activity allows a faster return of muscle capacity, this is theactive recovery. Recovery is one of the key moments in training and the period following physical exertion. After a big session where the muscles have been used, the muscles used tend to acidify strongly, recoveryactive oxygenates the muscles and therefore partially eliminates toxins. This is a recovery that allows our body not to remain inactive and limits aches and other muscle pains.
The best active recovery exercises
Therecovery active can be practiced right after the training session or dedicate 1 full day to this activity. The objective of an active recovery session is above all to perform a low-intensity activity where you have fun. For combat sports there is therefore no best recovery technique because it depends on the intensity of each person's training and, given that the practice of a combat sport is very complete, it is difficult to complete recovery sessions. However, we can target the areas of the body that have worked the most for optimal recovery. It is still necessary to work on certain points to be more efficient during your next English boxing or MMA training:
- Mobility: Taking time to stretch and work on your mobility helps the body recover from trauma and prepares it for the next session while avoiding injury. You can plan a mobility session by performing a series of dynamic movements to wake up the whole body and in particular the muscles, tendons or joints.joints/a>.
- A pleasant activity: the objective being to stay active by practicing a low intensity activity, the choices are numerous: a bike ride / swimming in open water / walking gently / yoga / playing basketball with friends or even working on your balance .
- The heart: cardio is the key to long-term performance because it burns calories, but be careful not to overdo it on your days off. A session of HIIT such as a light jog or an active walk is very effective in recovering from an intense training session.
- Flexibility: if your pleasant activity is yoga, then you hold the keys to effective active recovery because during training you tend to often contract the muscles and this can sometimes reduce the range of motion. Yoga allows a lengthening of muscles and tendons which greatly helps recovery, it also allows better mobility and flexibility.

Heyman E, B DEG, Mertens I, Meuusen R (2009) Effects of your recovery methods on reated maxmal rock climbing performance. med Sci Sports Exercise 41: 1303-1310
Post-workout recoveryhttps://www.foodspring.fr/magazine/comment-recuperer-efficacement-apres-sport
When and how to manage your rest dayshttps://www.sport-equipements.fr/recuperation-active/
What is active recovery?https://www.cerclesdelaforme.com/blog/coaching-sportif/c-est-quoi-la-recuperation-active/