A varied and balanced diet, as well as sufficient hydration are important bases for ensuring healthy joints and bones and for preventing inflammation and injuries. In this article we will detail some essential components that help maintain joint mobility and flexibility, as well as bone stability and which are present in theNØKO Post-Training !
Glycine and collagen
Glycine can be characterized as a semi-essential amino acid. Indeed, even if the body produces it itself, it is not able to produce enough to cover the optimal daily intake. It is therefore beneficial to consume it as a supplement (1).
Extracellular structural proteins such as elastin or collagen are largely composed of glycine (1). Collagen exists in the form of three main types and plays an extremely important role in the body: it is present in the composition of the skin, tendons, joints, bones and organs. Type II collagen is the main component of articular cartilage. It has been shown to promote flexibility and mobility and contribute to joint comfort during intense physical exercise (2)(3).
In addition to its involvement in collagen synthesis, glycine has relaxing properties by facilitating sleep and quality sleep, which is also very important for recovery (1). A consumption of glycine ranging from 2 to 4g per day would be sufficient to ensure normal collagen production(4). By taking 2 scoops of NØKO Post-Training per day, you ensure an optimal amount of glycine!

Like glycine, it is an essential amino acid for the human body. It is essential for the proper functioning of the body for various reasons: in addition to intervening in the synthesis of muscle proteins, it is present in collagen (2), intervenes in the energy metabolism of the degradation of lipids (5), and participates to maintain the good health of your bones by promoting the absorption of calcium (6).
For a healthy body, it is recommended to consume 30 mg of lysine per kg of body weight per day for adults (7). You can obtain this contribution by taking 2 scoops of NØKO Post-Training per day and guarantee optimal nutrition for the care of your joints.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C ensures maximized absorption of glycine and acts as a cofactor in collagen synthesis, intervening in the mechanism of synthesis of proline and leucine, amino acids which are building blocks of collagen (8) (9). It is therefore recommended to consume glycine accompanied by a source of vitamin C, as in the NØKO Post-Training! The recommended dose is 75 and 90 mg/day for women and men respectively, which corresponds to 2-3 scoops of the product (9).

Calcium, no need to introduce it to you. It is a must, it is of paramount importance for healthy bones. It is indeed essential for the maintenance of bone structure and is involved in the metabolism of vitamin D (vitamin involved in the health of bones and cartilage (10)) (11). Your post-workout should also contain it, especially for sports with percussion. Vegans should also pay particular attention to this because foods that are a source of calcium are mainly of animal origin, which means that the risk of deficiency is greater. Consuming NØKO Post-Training will help you improve your calcium intake to stay on top!
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is a crucial mineral for bone health (12). Indeed it is just as useful as calcium. At all ages, eating a diet high enough in magnesium is linked to better bone mineral density (13). Additionally, magnesium is essential for regulating muscle contraction, blood pressure, nerve transmission, neuromuscular conduction and more (12). A deficiency of magnesium forces the body to draw directly from the stock within the bones and cartilages which then find themselves weakened because demineralized. When practicing percussion sports, the bone-joint-cartilage assembly must be robust enough to withstand impacts, so the NØKO Post-Training helps limit magnesium deficiency!
Article written by Manon Moussay, Alexia Oechsel, Laurianne Trabut Collaboration NØKO! x Sorbonne University
(1) Multifarious beneficial effect of nonessential amino acid, glycine: a review:https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/pmc/articles/PMC5350494/
(2) Collagen: the fibrous proteins of the matrix:https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/books/NBK21582/
(3) Undenatured Type II Collagen (UC-II) in joint health and disease: A review on the current knowledge of companion animals:https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/pmc/articles/PMC7222752/
(4) Protein intake: consumption, quality, needs and recommendations:https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/NUT-Ra-Proteines.pdf
(5) Role of lysin and N-trimethyllysine in carnitine biosynthesis:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4690599/
(6) Dietary L-lysine and calcium metabolism in humans:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1486246/
(7) Lysine requirement through the human life cycle:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17513440/
(8) Effect of authentic and natural vitamin C and carotene on amino acid absorption:https://pubmed-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/855378/
(9) Vitamin C:https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/pmc/articles/PMC3884093/
(10) Vitamin D metabolism, cartilage and bone fracture repair:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21664253/
(11) Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21796828/
(12) Magnesium in prevention and therapy:https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/pmc/articles/PMC4586582/
(13) Magnesium Benefits:https://www.pharma-gdd.com/fr/les-bienfaits-du-magnesium